Cascading Style Sheet Basics Part Two: What & How
Welcome back to Part Two of Etna’s CSS “share the knowledge” primer. In the... Continue Reading
Etna Interactive
2040 Broad St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (866) 374-3762
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Welcome back to Part Two of Etna’s CSS “share the knowledge” primer. In the... Continue Reading
Cascading style sheets (CSS) are a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents. Our development team is a group of experts who spend every day up to their elbows in CSS. The rest of our company can tap-dance their way through SQL queries, plan PPC strategies or usher a project... Continue Reading
In previous posts in this series about UI, we went over what user interface is and why it is critical to a tricks of the trade to plan great UI. Next, we are going to show you a few tools our developers and engineers use to program our websites, and we will showcase a few... Continue Reading
At Etna, we design, write, develop and engineer every website to be beautiful, informative and easy to use. It is imperative to us that every site has a great user interface (UI). In the first post in our series on UI, we went over what user interface is and why it is critical to a... Continue Reading
At Etna, our programmers and designers work together to come up with a great user experience on our customers' websites. User interface (UI) is a very important component of a successful site. In this first post in our series on UI, we will be discussing what exactly UI is and why our team pays so much attention to it as we design, develop and engineer websites.... Continue Reading
When I was in middle school, I made my first website for a class project. I chose a unique font that looked awesome, and made my text fit perfectly in the layout. I was proud of my impeccable design. When it was finally time to show off my website at school, I was mortified to see that my beautiful... Continue Reading
Before the use of mobile devices was as common as it is now, we would build a website either to be viewed on a desktop computer or to be visited via mobile devices. Yes, you can view the desktop site on your phone, but all of the content is tiny and it's hard to navigate... Continue Reading
Even before Apple's Steve Jobs published his "Thoughts on Flash," it was clear to developers around the world that HTML5 would be the markup language underlying the best websites on the Internet for many years to come. The adoption of HTML5 by the most popular modern Web browsers - Internet Explorer 9, Safari, Firefox, Chrome,... Continue Reading