Etna Interactive

Effectively Using Images in Blog Posts

Writing quality content is just one part of creating great blog posts; each of your posts should include images to help make the content more exciting. Compelling blog images will add context to your posts, draw attention to content, and visually describe posts to viewers faster than words can.

In this video, I’ll give you the tools to think like a designer when incorporating images into your blog posts.

Here’s what I’ll go over:

Images Help Make Content More Exciting by:

  • Adding context
  • Drawing attention to content
  • Describing something much quicker than words

How Can I Edit My Images?

  • Photoshop is the best (you can now subscribe to it)
  • Free online tools like
  • Paint, iPhoto, and a variety of free apps

Etna Can Help

  • We can set up styles that match your typical usage
  • We can set up a style for you to mimic
  • We can do more complicated layouts for you

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