Etna Interactive

Facebook for Business 101

While one billion active users are on Facebook, there is a big difference between using Facebook for personal use and for business. I have seen many missed opportunities where one small update can play a significant role in the success of a business Page. If you are starting to use Facebook to promote your business, the checklist below is a great place to start:

  1. Have you selected the right category for your Page? Usually our clients use the Local Business category so they can add a physical address to their Page.
  2. Have you completed the “About” section with links to your website, other social profiles, keywords and a description of your business?
  3. Have you added a custom cover graphic and profile photo that match your website branding? The captions for these photos are another great location to add a keyword and link to your site.
  4. Have you established a content strategy for the Page? Who is your target audience? What is the writing style of your posts? Who is responsible for writing your posts? How often are you posting?
  5. Have you decided who will monitor the Fan comments on the Page?

Lastly, set goals for your Page! Whether it’s an increase in Fan numbers, engagement or referrals to your sites, this will help you measure your success and prove that your time is well spent.

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