Etna Interactive

How Do I Find an SEO Vendor I Can Trust?

I get this question almost every day, “How do I find an SEO vendor I can trust?”

We promise our clients that we will not help a competing practice within 15 miles of their location.  Today that means that we turn away about 8 out of every 10 new business opportunities.  Inevitably, the surgeon or dermatologist who wanted our services asks whom we might recommend or how they can go about finding an SEO firm they can trust.

We’ve written several lengthy articles on this topic, including a feature piece for Bariatric Times titled Choosing the Best Medical website Provider.  It answers this question directly.

But if you are looking for a quick answer, check out this article by Jill Whalen of  Titled Whom Can You Trust?, Jill’s article outlines a clear way to seek a search marketing partner you can trust

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