Etna Interactive

Our Love/Hate Relationship with SEO

I’d like to tell you that our writers love search engine optimization (SEO), but that wouldn’t be entirely true. In reality, most good Web copywriters have a love/hate relationship with those pesky keywords. It would be much easier to write eloquent prose without having to incorporate the sometimes-awkward phrases that attract the search engines like some sort of morphemic magnet.

Google tells us that people on the Web use certain terms to search for certain products and services. If we’re writing about those products or services for our clients, we’ll have to incorporate those keywords in a strategic way if we want our content to be found. And of course we want our content to be found. What writer doesn’t want to reach a wider audience? Vanity aside, we also get a big kick out of watching our clients’ search engine rankings climb.

So even though “breast augmentation Des Moines” can seem like an obstacle on our route to the perfect Web page, we look at it as an opportunity. We apply our innate creativity to the task of integrating the keyword phrases in a way that doesn’t disrupt the flow of the writing. We come up with little tricks and nuances that help us sneak in a valuable keyword phrase under the radar. Our goal is to make the keyword phrases virtually unnoticeable to readers, but VERY noticeable to Google. Based on the results we’ve achieved for our clients, I’d say we’re doing a fantastic job.

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