A 2011 study that examined the email response patterns of 114 aesthetic clinics showed that 36% failed to respond to new patient inquiries. In part one of Email Essentials I’ll explain how improved email etiquette can help your practice better retain leads. Email Etiquette Respond promptly (within 5 minutes!). You are 100 times less likely...
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Etna has earned the distinct honor of winning 2 Web design awards for the WebAward for outstanding medical website, but it also won a gold A custom content management system dynamically displays major magazine publications, showcasing the practice's high profile and commitment to advancing technology. In the blog, readers learn about the latest trends in...
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Show of hands — who is reading this on a mobile phone right now? There is a very good chance that you are. If you are reading this several months after it is published, there is an even better chance that you are reading it on your phone. The adoption of the mobile Web is...
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Many have heard about Google's August algorithm update, nicknamed "Hummingbird." But have you stopped to think about who stands to benefit most from Google's ability to better process "natural language" search queries? Google might argue that you and I, the searching public, are the big winners. I would argue that "Who is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in...
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For the first time in 12 years, Google has changed its “recipe” for rankings. Code named “Hummingbird,” this algorithm swap has changed the rankings game in a couple of important ways. In this video, I’m joined by Etna’s Director of Marketing, Scott Feldman, who’ll offer some strategic advice for leveraging Google’s algorithm update to help...
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If you have ever browsed the Web on an Apple device with a Retina Display, you have probably seen websites with fuzzy graphics and "pixel-y" text. It is unattractive but understandable. Websites are still being built primarily for standard displays, because that is how the vast majority of people view the Web. With the increasing...
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User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are terms thrown around involving the "look and feel" of websites, but understanding their difference and their interaction is vital to the creation of a successful website. Both apply broadly to human-machine interaction and both can decide how users not only find information, but also how they perceive...
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Anyone who's ever been through a university journalism or marketing program can attest to this: The news kids aren't exactly best buddies with the marketing crew. The news folks think the marketers are truth-twisting manipulators, and the marketers say the newsies are self-righteous, didactic nerds. Well I'm a little bit of both. That gap-bridging contradiction...
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