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A few of the healthcare advertising restrictions that may come as a surprise to some Virginia surgeons include the requirement to state the full amount of any fee discounts (meaning that saying "free consultations" without more is a code violation) and the requirement to disclose the name of any certifying boards (meaning that saying "board... Continue Reading


Like so many other states, Vermont wants to close its doors to physicians who advertise in a deceptive manner. Its medical marketing statute appears to be fairly straightforward, if a little quaint in its language about advertising harming "public morals." For a full assessment of all statutes and regulations that apply to your medical marketing... Continue Reading


Healthcare PR and marketing appears to be governed by few laws in Utah where, like many other states, physicians must not engage in false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent communication. The intent of the practitioner doesn't appear to enter into the determination of whether the law was broken, so even the most upstanding Utah physicians should... Continue Reading


Tennessee is extremely thorough in its regulation of healthcare advertising, presenting a unique challenge to medical website design and development firms like ours. These regulations address several aspects of Web advertising, including fees, content, and physician responsibility for maintaining records. Consult with your legal counsel to make sure that all of your marketing communications comply... Continue Reading

South Dakota

South Dakota doctors are required to be very specific about the nature of their degree when marketing medical services. Saying "Dr. Smith offers dermal fillers" could get a practice in trouble - "Sarah Smith, M.D. offers dermal fillers" appears to be the right way to go. For a full legal review of your medical marketing,... Continue Reading

South Carolina

South Carolina practitioners who engage in medical marketing must take care not to deceive the public though dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct. It might be the case that "honest mistakes" will be tolerated by the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, but for all the details you need to know about complying with medical marketing... Continue Reading

Rhode Island

The smallest state, Rhode Island also appears to have one of the smallest statutes regarding healthcare PR and marketing. Its key idea: strongly discourage physicians from advertising that deceives the public. Before moving forward with your marketing plans, be sure to consult with your legal counsel to understand how all relevant laws affect you. More... Continue Reading


Like legislators in most other states, Pennsylvania legislators want to make sure that physicians do not engage in healthcare advertising that deceives the public, whether the deception was intended by the physician or not. For a complete review of your medical marketing materials for compliance with Pennsylvania law, be sure to contact your legal counsel.... Continue Reading

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