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Etna Interactive

How Do I Decide Who to Exchange Links With?

I get solicitations for link exchange all day long.  How do I decide who to exchange links with? Remember that links from your site to any business will be viewed by your visitors and patients as an endorsement. Here’s a quick test for link exchanges: Does the site offer accurate information that will benefit your... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Can You Explain Link Building in Under 50 Words?

I was offering one client too much information (as usual) on a call the other day when he fired back with, “Can you explain link building in 50 words or less?” I get so many questions about Link Building from the cosmetic surgeons, physicians, and medical spas we serve that I’m often forced to chop... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Staying True Blue

Today’s marketing environment challenges you to attract patients (and generate ROI) with minimal consumer attention, countless distractions and an increasing number of marketing channels. Given all of this dilution, it is more important than ever to be consistent with your brand. Your brand is more than your name or your logo – it’s the holistic... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Horizons in Online Marketing Part 2 of 6: Social Media and the Medical Practice

  In this second of six parts, Etna Interactive explores how the evolution of social media and socially-inspired search engine results will impact medical practices. We look in to the future to forecast three likely implications and suggest strategies you can employ today to stay ahead of the curve. If you are a longtime subscriber... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Hot Topics for Consumer Blog Posts, Articles, and Press Releases

Etna encourages content creation.  So what should you write about? Recent changes in how search engines assign rankings mean that original and interesting content is more important than ever.  And with the advent of “authorship” on Google, healthcare professionals must embrace the fact that Google sees you as an author first and a doctor second.... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Are Search Engine Submission Services Worthwhile?

I've received more than a few emails from services offering to submit my site to thousands of search engines for under $100. Are these services worthwhile and will they help my search engine positioning? Yours is a great question.  I can't believe it hasn't come up before now.  E-mail solicitations like the ones you mention... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Horizons in Online Marketing Part 1 of 6: Concierge Medicine

  In this first of six parts, Etna Interactive explores emerging trends in online medical marketing and strategies your practice can implement today to improve patient care and increase local market advantage. This first segment explores the emergence and evolution of Concierge Medicine and actions to consider today to leverage technology in the service of... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

What’s a Quick Way to Improve My Search Engine Positions?

What's a quick way to improve my search engine positions? We are often approached by clients in search of a quick fix to bring more traffic to their websites.  Somewhere along the line they've been led to believe that tweaking META tags or resorting to tricks might somehow manipulate the search engines and deliver improved... Continue Reading

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What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.