Do you know how important the online reputation of your practice is? Make sure that you’re using the most effective method to solicit online reviews and making use of the systems already in place. It’s not just about using the right method, but asking at the right time, too. Learn more about best practices for...
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/p> As a medical practice leader or marketing manager it could be easy to take something as mundane as email marketing for granted. Your clinic or spa’s email marketing may be running smoothly, but how would you know? Read on, or watch the video, for some simple tests you can run to gauge how well...
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Do you know how much you should be spending on your pay-per-click advertising? If you are looking to ramp up your marketing efforts this year, you may be considering PPC. However, it is important to know how much you should be investing in order to ensure the highest return. Learn more about what to expect...
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As the demand within the aesthetic space continues to increase, we are seeing more and more businesses grow and expand their service offerings to stay competitive within the industry. If you are considering introducing a new product or treatment within your clinic, follow our step-by-step guide to ensure you are prepared on how to make...
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Interested in learning how you can enhance your email marketing performance in the age of rising consumer privacy? In our latest blog, Etna CEO Ryan Miller walks us through the newest updates affecting email marketing data and what to consider during these efforts moving forward. Follow along for tips on how to make the most...
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In the latest installment of our Industry Experts Series, we had the pleasure of hosting Terri Ross, Founder and Co-CEO of Terri Ross Consulting. In this webinar, Etna CEO Ryan Miller and Terri discuss common inquiries we receive from aesthetic clinic leaders including best practices for pricing strategy and how to maximize revenues within the...
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Has your practice started planning for the holiday season? We all know about the increase in consumer spending throughout the holidays, but after two years of impact from the pandemic, this year is more important than ever to take advantage of holiday selling. In our latest blog, Etna COO Sean Collier walks us through a...
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Like many practices, you may have given up on paid advertising (PPC), believing it just can't work for your business. It's true, Google PPC is a tough game to master, but Etna Interactive has a history of turning problems into opportunities for our clients. In fact, our seasoned PPC team consistently delivers returns of 5-to-1...
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