Here's your chance to learn something new.

The Insider’s Guide to DIY Marketing: What We Learned & What Comes Next

At Etna, we believe in success through partnership. That means working on behalf of our clients as well as empowering you to take your own growth and success to new heights. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Etna produced the Insider's Guide to DIY Marketing to support the elective healthcare industry. This series of downloadable... Continue Reading

Maintaining Your Momentum

If you aspire to maximize revenues and maintain a strong schedule through the fall, follow along in our latest webinar where Ryan guides us through 5 online marketing tactics that can drive immediate demand, and help you avoid last-minute holes in your schedule despite the decrease in patient demand we anticipate to happen later this summer. Webinar Transcription: Let’s go... Continue Reading

5 Ways to Take up More Real Estate in Google Search Results

Google rankings are a dog-eat-dog proposition. Rankings fluctuate widely over time, from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. Just because you rank well in one moment is no guarantee that you’ll maintain that ranking position. Luckily, there are things you can do to increase your brand’s visibility in... Continue Reading

Four Ways to Increase Your Online Visibility

Online marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. In the infographic below, we walk you through four straight forward tips to increase the online visibility of your brand. What are some of the ways to improve your business’s online presence? Make your website work for you by focusing on the user experience and ensuring your content... Continue Reading

Focused Efforts Yield Big Results

How should I spend my marketing budget? We hear this question a lot at Etna, and it’s one that deserves a great deal of consideration. Our clients understandably want to grow all procedures because they are talented in all of them. A broad-brush marketing approach, however, tends to produce lackluster results, and as a strategic partner, we recommend a more Search Engine... Continue Reading

DATA: How COVID-19 is Impacting Elective Medical Inquiries Online Over Time

At Etna Interactive, we continually analyze millions of leads across hundreds of elective medical clinic locations. Included in this data set are clinics of the following specialties: Plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, medical and cosmetic dermatology, ophthalmology, and medical spa. In this era of COVID-19, things are changing on a sometimes daily basis, and scrutinizing... Continue Reading

Building a Pipeline of Elective Surgery Patients

You’ve navigated the first stages of the pandemic and are finally able to look to the future. While you undoubtedly have a backlog of surgical cases eager to be scheduled, right now you have the time and availability to strengthen your own recovery. During this webinar, CEO Ryan Miller explores 6 things you should do... Continue Reading

How To Help Your Community On Social Media

How to Help Your Community on Social Media

At Etna Interactive, we cultivate success through partnership, and we know that many of our own clients partner with local organizations to help worthy causes in their areas. Right now, many charitable organizations are in need of resources, from blood banks desperate for donors to food banks running low on supplies to homeless shelters searching... Continue Reading

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What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.