Etna Interactive

Putting People First on Social Media Marketing

If you use Facebook as a business tool but your efforts have garnered little in the engagement department, you may ask yourself: “What’s missing?” Chances are, the appropriate question is not what’s missing, but instead, who’s missing.

A Facebook business page can have beautiful graphics and consistent activity, but without personalized content, it’s not likely to see much interest, especially for smaller businesses that do not have the power of a widely recognized brand to lean on. Think of the “book” in Facebook. If you’re ignoring the people who make up your business, then your chapter has no characters! Would you want to read a book without characters? Neither would your fans.

Fortunately, people are naturally at the core of every business. It’s a personal dream that leads someone to start a business. It’s a personal need that is fulfilled by the business. Products and services help people to lead better lives.

The best way to build a genuine following while still showcasing your products and expertise is to strike a balance between informative, authoritative posts (news you can use) and touching, personal posts about your staff and the people you help on a daily basis.

Here are some guidelines:

  • Start small. Feature a testimonial, highlight a staff member’s birthday or anniversary, or share a little-known fact about the business’ founder.
  • Use photos.
  • Keep it professional.
  • Be yourself. Your fans will start to recognize your “voice.” Let it shine through.

You may wonder how a Facebook post about a staff member’s birthday can possibly add value to a business. Think of it as your way to attain something that is both priceless and key to any business’ success: the human connection. There are 1 billion people on Facebook. Your goal is to turn some of them into customers. But first, you have to reach them.

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