Etna Interactive

Staying True Blue

Today’s marketing environment challenges you to attract patients (and generate ROI) with minimal consumer attention, countless distractions and an increasing number of marketing channels. Given all of this dilution, it is more important than ever to be consistent with your brand.

Your brand is more than your name or your logo – it’s the holistic reflection of the values upon which you build your business. In the aesthetic industry especially, your attention to detail, to consistency and to quality is critical to build trust and loyalty with your patients. When your brand is represented consistently, you have a better chance of achieving the frequency impact that you need in order to break through the clutter and make a connection with a prospect.

How you present your business creates an impression (and ultimately the relationship) between an individual and your practice. Your brand is expressed in every communication:
· from answering the phone to how your invoices are delivered;
· from the registration paperwork to the post-op follow up call on day 2
· from your posts on Facebook to your responses to reviews

It’s not just about your sign. It’s not just about your website — your brand is the continuum of communications that a client can experience — and it ALL needs to be consistent, authentic, differentiated and professional. It ultimately reflects you!

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One Response to Staying True Blue

  • Rocco C. Piazza, MD says:

    I love this post! I am a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Austin, TX and opened my practice PIAZZA, Center for Plastic Surgery & Advanced Skin Care in 2010. I am a firm believer that my brand is the holistic reflection of the values upon which I have built my practice. Long before I opened my plastic surgery practice in Austin, TX, I had envisioned a practice where I could provide the highest quality of care to plastic and reconstructive surgery patients. We have incorporated my most fundamental belief that beautiful surgical results are enhanced by a healthy lifestyle—and encourage our patients to achieve their personalized goals when planning for plastic surgery procedures. This belief is a consistent message on my website ( and in our Facebook posts. It also permeates my lifestyle. I lead by example when it comes to a healthy lifestyle– competing in half-marathons, triathlons, and I teach a regular cycling course at Pure Austin Gym & Fitness Center on Saturdays. I have been extremely lucky to work with 4 incredible ladies that all feel the same way.

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