Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 2


Part 2: Online Marketing Priorities

Once you’ve decided on a practice model, you’ll start wearing a lot of hats in addition to your surgeon cap: entrepreneur, broadcaster, and regulator.

After you’ve chosen an online marketing partner and begin to map out a strategy, beware of “shiny” new tactics to begin with. Instead, start with low risk, high return tactics and build from there. Any online marketing tactic you’re considering should be measured against these criteria: return, cost, complexity, and timing. Using these criteria, I’ve created the below chart to help you get started thinking about the online marketing tactics that will be most effective for new practices.


Keep in mind that your online marketing tactics should be tailored to your practice’s specific set of goals and requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all method when planning marketing tactics. Any good Web vendor should be able to help you customize and prioritize a marketing plan that will help your practice grow efficiently.

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